Flutter vs. React Native: Which Should I Use For My App?

Flutter vs. React Native: Which Should I Use For My App?

Looking to build interactive applications for Android and iOS? Then you should get to know two popular mobile app development technologies: Flutter vs. React Native. Both frameworks serve the same purpose - app development - but understanding their differences is crucial in selecting the right one for your project.

Understanding Cross-Platform Development Frameworks

Cross-platform development frameworks let developers deploy code across multiple operating systems in a smooth and efficient way. These frameworks eliminate the need to write separate code for each platform, saving time and resources.

By utilizing a set of libraries and tools, these frameworks let developers treat each operating system the same - they can write platform-agnostic code that runs on any platform without modification. Benefits of cross platform development include consistent user experiences across devices and simplified maintenance and updates through a single codebase. And React Native and Flutter are two top examples of cross platform frameworks.

Apps Built With React Native

React Native is a framework that combines the best parts of native development with React. As a result, you can build user interfaces for mobile apps using JavaScript and enjoy advantages like:

  • Widespread adoption and having a large developer community as a resource and inspiration
  • The code is reusable, so you only need to write it once then deploy across multiple channels
  • It’s dynamic and agile, enabling rapid iteration and development

Apps Built With Flutter

Flutter, on the other hand, is a cross-platform mobile app development framework developed by Google. It allows developers to build visually attractive, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop using a single code base. Additional benefits include:

  • A hot reload feature to improve efficiency in developing, testing, and debugging
  • Cross platform functionality that lets you develop apps simultaneously for Android and iOS
  • A selection of customizable and visually appealing pre-built UI components that enhance the user experience and make it easier than ever to bring an app design to life

The choice to build apps with Flutter or React Native depends on the specific requirements of your project. Flutter excels in high-performance and complex applications, while apps built with React Native require extensive animations and complex interactions.

Now that we have a basic understanding of these frameworks, let's explore the key differences of Flutter vs. React Native.

Flutter vs. React Native: A Comparison

Let's delve into some specific areas of comparison between Flutter vs. React Native:


Apps built with React Native are written entirely in JavaScript, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. One of its greatest advantages is how easy it is to find resources and a community of developers experienced in JavaScript to provide tools, tutorials, inspiration, etc.

On the other hand, Flutter uses Dart, a language introduced by Google in 2011. And even though Dart isn’t as widely adopted as JavaScript, it offers a simpler syntax and is relatively easy to learn. Plus, developers enjoy using it. In a recent Stack Overflow survey of loved vs. dreaded frameworks, over 68% said they loved Flutter.

User Interface

React Native relies more on native components for Android and iOS, providing access to an extensive collection of external UI kits. These kits empower developers to create beautiful and intuitive user interfaces for their applications.

Apps built with Flutter, on the other hand, use its proprietary visual, structural, platform, and interactive widgets. These built-in UI components replace native platform components, enabling developers to design custom and visually stunning interfaces.


React Native utilizes JavaScript to connect to native components via a bridge, which can introduce some overhead and impact performance compared to apps built with Flutter. Flutter, on the other hand, eliminates the need for a bridge, allowing for faster interactions with native components and ultimately resulting in better overall performance.


React Native offers general resources but often relies on external development kits. As a result, the documentation may not be as straightforward when comparing Flutter vs. React Native. Flutter provides well-structured and comprehensive documentation, making it easier for developers to learn and work with the framework.

Native Performance

Flutter’s use of Dart and its foundational graphics framework which leverages C/C++ enables you to create high-performance apps. It also supports acceleration features, further enhancing performance. React Native apps don’t match the performance of fully native apps, as the apps don’t always leverage native components.

App Size

Flutter apps tend to be larger compared to other cross-platform frameworks. However, they use a single codebase, making them easier to maintain. React Native apps, on the other hand, are usually smaller due to the lightweight nature of JavaScript.

Minimal Required SDK Version

Flutter has a lower minimum required SDK version, making it compatible with a wider range of devices. Apps built with React Native often require a lower minimum SDK version as well, resulting in more lightweight apps that require less code.


Flutter's hot reload feature enables quick iterations and easy debugging, while its built-in debugging environment aids in identifying and fixing performance issues. React Native allows for better visibility of code, simplifying the debugging process.

Code Reuse Between Mobile Platforms

Both Flutter and React Native allow for code reuse between platforms, saving time and effort during development. Flutter's single-language approach (Dart) makes code reuse more accessible, while React Native's JavaScript foundation facilitates sharing code across platforms.

So to build an app with React Native, or to build an app with Flutter?

In the debate of Flutter vs. React Native, there is no definitive answer. The choice between the two frameworks depends on your specific project requirements, development experience, and future goals. Flutter offers high performance and ease of use, while apps built with React Native provide a more native-like experience. Assess your project needs, consider the pros and cons of each framework, and leverage the vibrant communities and resources available to make an informed decision.

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