You Need An AI Strategy Audit

You Need An AI Strategy Audit
Electronic musician and YouTube DJ Mark Rilette kicked off Google I/O 2024

Dear Studio Fam,

We’ve never been more excited by the possibilities of AI after this week’s announcements from Google and OpenAI. Based on the overwhelming response to last week’s free UI/UX teardown offer, we realized it's a no brainer to offer our community a free AI strategy audit as well. Our clients have never been more interested in leveraging AI in their products so book a call to learn how we're helping them integrate these technologies and receive a free AI strategy audit of your business.

This was an incredible week with more AI product launches than ever. Both companies introduced similar technical updates to their core AI products albeit in very different ways. OpenAI debuted GPT4o – “o” means omni – with a casual and intimate presentation. Google kicked off its yearly I/O summit at Shoreline Amphitheatre with an AI-produced live set from YouTube DJ Marc Rebillet.

OpenAI did more of a startup demo (odd for a $80 billion company), focusing on the voice interface and flexibility of its GPT update. But Google clearly understands that the AI race is mostly about distribution. After showcasing OpenAI-level technical improvements to its core Gemini AI and TPU technology, Google   introduced at least nine new AI-driven product experiences. It showed Google’s AI deployed at 10x the scale of OpenAI. Coming the day after OpenAI’s demo, Google’s announcements left the impression that OpenAI’s is just looking for a customer for AI assistant software. Know anyone?

Read on for a breakdown of everything new!


The Nine New Things We Counted at Google I/O

The goal of I/O 2024 was to show AI was seamlessly integrated into as many Google products as possible. Developer tools, including Android Studio and Firebase, now integrate Gemini to streamline development processes. Gemini is baked directly into Android 15 with Google Assistant (maybe) being replaced with something from Project Astra. As Google is notorious for its odd approach to product naming and differentiation, it’s hard to make an exact list of everything new (here is a list of 100 (!) just from this one event). But here is our best try:

OpenAI Launches ChatGPT 4o

OpenAI CTO Mira Murati hosted a very different presentation than Google I/O, presenting specific demos of the new GPT 4o in the startup kitchen lounge of their office. The introduction confusingly focused on OpenAI’s mission, emphasizing the new “flagship” model is free and leaving GPT4 customers wondering if they should cancel their subscription (this question remains unanswered!). The rest of the presentation was built around the new omnipresent voice model, amazingly similar to the AI from her. However, in our opinion, the biggest advancement is the new desktop app which gives GPT4o the ability to see your screen. It seems obvious that a future version will record everything you do throughout the day, organize your tasks, and do as much of your work as possible for your final review.

Free AI Strategy Audit

We are eager to help our community navigate the opportunities presented by these incredible advancements and share our experience leveraging AI for our clients. Book a call here to learn more and receive a free AI strategy audit.

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